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Scott Law & Aaron Feder

Concerts, Music

  • Scott Law & Aaron Feder
  • Scott Law & Aaron Feder
  • Scott Law & Aaron Feder

City: Caldes de Montbui

Place: Centre, Ateneu Democràtic i Progressista

From Sunday 1 October 2023, 20:00 h to 21:30 h

See description of the event
Sun 1 Oct
20:00 h
Scott Law ve a Barcelona des de Portland, Oregon, per presentar els seus nous temes (i algunes versions de luxe), en format duo, juntament... Read more

Scott Law ve a Barcelona des de Portland, Oregon, per presentar els seus nous temes (i algunes versions de luxe), en format duo, juntament amb Aaron Feder. Scott Law és un guitarrista i compositor de renom, conegut no només pel seu treball amb Phil Lesh (dels Grateful Dead), sinó també per la seva carrera en solitari i amb moltes altres formacions. Els seus nous temes recorden a The Band, Neil Young, Dr. John i, per descomptat, els Grateful Dead. 
Acompanyant Scott està el multi-instrumentista Aaron Feder, millor conegut com a fundador i guitarrista d'Alma Afrobeat Ensemble, i pedal steeler amb Blueroomess.

Scott Law comes to us from Portland, Oregon, to present his new songs (and some choice covers) in a duo together with Aaron Feder. Scott Law is a guitarist and songwriter, well-known not only for his work with Phil Lesh (from the Grateful Dead), but also for his solo work and participation in multiple other projects. His new songs are reminiscent of The Band, Neil Young, Dr. John, and of course, The Grateful Dead.
Accompanying Scott is multi-instrumentalist Aaron Feder, best known as founder and guitarist for Alma Afrobeat Ensemble, and pedal steel with Blueroomess.